Sunday, February 1, 2015

HHS Sets Stage for More Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare

The U.S. Health and Human Services is focusing on efforts to address issues of poverty at its core:  Mothers and Infants.

The goal is to address issues of mental health and general health care, major concerns of generational poverty.

The objective is to use administrative data to target and provide services.
"CMS may further use the results of the evaluation to write regulations that would allow qualifying home visiting programs to be reimbursed for services through Medicaid."
For me, this involves complex civil rights issues in the construction of gender-based databases and its cost reimbursements.

The Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program (MIHOPE) will ultimately be completely privatized, devoid of any oversight.

Child Protective Services has no oversight, nor does its contracted services.

With the privacy issues surrounding child welfare, many questions arise on the reliability of recordkeeping and, of course my favorite issue, lack of referrals to the States Medicaid Fraud Control Units for questionable billing activities.

Behavior cannot be predicted but it can be prevented.

In this case, Medicaid fraud in child welfare looks to have a major opportunity to continue growing.

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