Friday, November 6, 2015

Pam Lajiness, A Michigan Unsung Hero Against Child Welfare Fraud Dies

Pam Lajiness - Life Story Digital Video

As part of my my mission to end Medicaid fraud in child welfare, I have come to recognize that I am the only person who can document the work of those tirelessly dedicated individuals who shall no longer be forever excluded from the annals of history.

Pam Lajiness is an individual who shall now be honored.

Pam was a long time investigator of the former Michigan Department of Human Services, Office of Childrens and Adults Licensing (OCAL) of whom I am proud to call my mentor into the absolutely pathetic investigative licensing process in Michigan child welfare agency licensing.

I met her through my friend and strongest advocate for Faded Families, Darlene King.

Places like Catholic Charities,  Bethany Christian Services and Wayne County Juvenile Detention should not be in operation.  The list of facilities that should never have human contact is quite extensive in Michigan, but still allowed to operate under the premise of "too big to fail" and the lack of alternatives.

It was Pam who motivated and directed me to unveil the horrors of Michigan's child welfare system of what I call the Dark Ages of Michigan.

I began to look at contracts and enforcement.  It was a quick exercise as many of the child placing agencies did not possess either.

There were many cases where children should never have been in care, but what makes matters worse is that I would attend cases in the Court of Appeals where I would be in possession of first hand information of the hellish conditions set for adoption in Michigan law.

I watched Assistant Daniel Beaton lie through his fucking teeth, in a court of law, contrary to Pam's report findings, as these reports have no weight in a court of law, to keep the secret Medicaid revenue-maximization schemes of the Michigan Children's Institute.

It was human trafficking.

Pam Lajiness and Darlene King empowered me to put together the first and only comprehensive history of the Michigan Children's Institute.

Thank you, Pam.  I will stay true to my mission and keep your legacy alive.

BTW,  Steve Yager is still a piece of shit.   <====  #DOJ

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